Levy Finance
The levy is the main source of income and the lifeblood of every sectional title scheme. The non-payment of levies is therefore the single biggest threat to safe, affordable sectional title living.
A scheme in financial distress suffers from structural neglect coupled with punitive special levies and, subsequently, plummeting property values. This causes owners to flee the scheme, leaving it in a further state of distress. Hardly an investor’s dream.

Property Management Services, in conjunction with our well established solution provider, offer a comprehensive Levy Finance and Collection service, which is the most effective way to permanently reverse this cycle of deterioration by providing the following:
Immediate access to funding based on the scheme’s current arrears
Guaranteed monthly cash flow based on the scheme’s levy roll
Fast and efficient levy collection
Instituting and funding the necessary legal action on defaulting owners
User friendly monthly levy statements and trustee reports